Extended call for Ficwallmapu 2017
FICWALLMAPU is an Indigenous film festival held in the Mapuche Nation in South America. The 2017 edition will be held in the city of Temuco, Ngulumapu (in Chile), October 17-21.
The festival seeks new film and webisode/TV work on Indigneous subjects from around the world (requesting the films be either in Spanish, subtitled in Spanish or without language). A wide range of subjects and approaches can be considered.
We have already received submissions representing the Xavante, Emberá, Kichwa, Otavalo, Aymara, Quechua, Wayuu, Colombian Amazonian peoples, Arhuaco people, Nahult, Mapuche, communities, Indigenous peoples of Brazil, among others. This means the upcoming festival will provide insight into experiences in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Brazil, as a minimum.
The international jury members come from a wide range of backgrounds from the worlds of cinema, the arts and journalistic practices, as well as representing the Mapuche cosmology and worldview.
Among the jury participants includes photographer Jaime Carriqueo from Rio Negro, Puelmapu (in Argentina). For Carriqueo, the contribution of making and watching films on original peoples serves to show that we are contemporary, and that unlike what is written in books our culture is current and not of the past.
Along this same line, Carriqueo believes that the future is promising: original peoples are increasingly taking up cinematic tools to inform others and ourselves, and to continue in the reconstruction of our world. This mirrors FICWALLMAPUs objective to open a window to the experience of different peoples, raise awareness and connect us with the language of cinema, that is strengthening our way.
Also included in the jury are Bruno Toro, a professor at Universidad de la Frontera, and Nabil Rodriguez, anthropologist and Masters in communication from UFRO, among others.
The awards
Works selected for the festival made by Indigenous directors will be eligible for recognition by the jury through a number of awards, which also automatically make the works eligible automatically selected for FICMAYAB International Indigenous Peoples Film and Video Festival, to be held in October 2018 in Guatemala.
Separately, for the second year in a row, the Best work of Wallmapu category, representing the best work from the Mapuche Nation, will receive a scholarship to Cubas Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television. Last year, this award was given to Jesus Sanchez, director of Nahueli, a short puppet animation based on a Mapuche legend.
While FICWALLMAPU is not officially a competitive festival, it does offer through its awards special recognition to work in the following areas:
Indigenous Womens Rights
Territorial Protection
Protection of Indigenous Rights
Contribution to Indigenous Culture
Best Fiction
Best Documentary
Best Short Film (up to 15 minutes)
Best TV series
Contribution to New Indigenous Film Languages
Pichikeche FICWALLMAPU (for local Indigenous work from the Mapuche Nation)
SUBMIT NOW! Become part of the fabric of our stories and reflections that is FICWALLMAPU.